[NFB-Krafters-Korner] For Sale Day

Courtney F. Smith cmfulghum at gmail.com
Sat Feb 15 06:00:19 UTC 2020

It’s   that time again! For Sale Day on the Krafters Korner Listserv!

What is for sale day?

For Sale Day is where you get to sell your handmade crafts or unused craft
supplies to those on the Krafters Korner list.

Here is how it works:

1. Make a list of craft related items you would like to sell.
2. Post the items to the list along with your contact information.

3. Make sure you put "FOR SALE" in the subject line.

It's that easy!

Please remember, all sales are between you & the buyer. Krafters Korner is
not responsible for any transaction. All correspondence is to be handled
off list.

Good luck & happy crafting!



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