[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Knitting question. Pineapple afghan pattern

Linda C Knight lindac.knight at icloud.com
Tue Mar 24 02:07:10 UTC 2020

Hi all,

First an update:

I had my lumpectomy on Feb. 18.

My margins were clear.

A few weeks later I developed an infection in the underarm area where they did the node biopsy. 

It was swollen and feverish. 

A friend drove me to the emergency room and they was admitted. It turns out that MRSA somehow got into the infected area. 

So I was plaaced on Vancomycin and stayed in the hospital eleven days. On the 14th while in hospital, I was taken back to the OR for a proceedure call IND. (Incision and drainage. This was done to drain  fluid. Well after that, I had no pain. 

Last Thursday, I was transfered via Ambulance to rehab and here I am. Will go home probably Thursday. 

This was all a nightmare. I don't know when I will start radiation.

Now for my question:

Have any of you knitted  the pineapple afghan  pattern"

If so I have questions. Especially how to Sincrease evenly over so many stitches. 

Any pointers"

Thanks for any help. 

Linda Sentusing Braille from my iPhone

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