[NFB-Krafters-Korner] OT: NFB News

Tammy Freitag ms.sunflower61 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 01:22:27 UTC 2020

I just got off a Zoom meeting with President Riccobono.
He stated that the National Convention is still scheduled.  If you
know of a student that is interested in applying for the National
College Scholarship, please get those in by Tuesday.

He also wanted us to share an invitation.  April 2, 2020 at 8:00P.M.
EST, there will be a Nationwide Zoom meeting.  This will be the
Presidential Release.  It will be recorded.  When it is distributed,
the Q&A time will not be a part of it.  If someone has a link to this
call, would you please share it?  I don't have it at this time but
will share when I do get it.

Newsline Update
Newsline now has Cobid19 updates from John Hopkins University.  This
should provide the most current statistics.

Cobid19 Resources
The National office has compiled a list of resources.  Cathy has
linked this page to krafterskorner.org site.  Please check on your own
state affiliates' web site for more local information and resources.
If you need help that is not listed on your local affiliate's site,
please contact that State's President so they can be of assistance.

Crafters Division
Please know we care for each of you especially during this difficult
and challenging time.  If you need a shoulder, I'm usually available
for talking.  I am glad we have our crafts to help with our mental
health and personal stress.  Smile!

Thank you to those that have stepped up and offered Pop Up Classes.
They are greatly appreciated by me and those taking the classes.

H: 402-904-5105

Independence is yours .  Are you willing to reach for it?

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