[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Gift Exchange, Hurry Up and Sign Up!

terrypowers59 at gmail.com terrypowers59 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 15:48:19 UTC 2020

A little over a Weeks Left to Sign Up!



  The holidays are coming!  It is our tradition to have a gift exchange, at
our holiday party.  Participants fill out a gift exchange form and are given
the name of a person, to send a gift to.  The minimum we spend on gifts is
$10, but the maximum, is up to the sender.


Please fill out your gift exchange form and e-mail it to

Terry Powers

terrypowers59 at gmail.com <mailto:terrypowers59 at gmail.com> 

The deadline for submitting your form, is October 31.


Sending your gift;

Make sure your gift is in the mail, by December 1, if not sooner, since the
mail is slower, this year!


Opening your gift;

You have the option to open your gift, when you receive it, or wait   until
the party.  We will have fun, chatting about what each other got!


Come and join the gift exchange!

It is optional, but a lot of fun!



Holiday Gift Exchange 







Mailing Address: 


E-mail Address: 


Do you have a Ravelry account? 


If so, what is your Ravelry name?


Are you willing to send a gift to International members? 


Favorite colors? 


Favorite candy or food? 


Favorite beverage?


Favorite restaurant? 


Favorite craft store?  


Do you have food allergies? 


Are you allergic to any fibers? 


What is your favorite craft?


Something from your wish list?


Enjoy filling out the form and send it to;


terrypowers59 at gmail.com <mailto:terrypowers59 at gmail.com> 

By October 31!



Terry Powers

Gift Exchange Coordinator








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