[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Draft meeting minutes from general meeting June 28, 2021

Tanya VanHouten vanharris62 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 09:54:49 UTC 2021

Krafters Korner 
General meeting minutes
June 28, 2021

Meeting called to order by president Tammy Freitag at 6:34 P.M. CST.
Members in attendance:
Bernice Bird, ReNae Anderson, , Becky Frankenberger, Jeanette Kutash, Joyce
Kane, Lucy Marr, Cathy Miller, Theresa Nettles, Henry Osbourne, Terry
Powers, Leonard Schlenk, Gail Smith, Shelley Schuett, Lynn Schneider, Tanya
VanHouten, Ruth Williams, Ramona Wolhof, Vickie London 

Cathy Flesher began the treasurer's report with an expression of gratitude
and appreciation to Tammy Frietag for doing so well at being president of
KK the last year.
Case checking - $4147.87 
KBK fund $349.26 
Pay Pal $1213.09
Total: $5,360.96 
Membership is currently at 33 members.
Jeanette made a motion to accept the treasurer's report. Ramona seconded
and motion carried. 

Tammy announced that our nominating committee consists of Shelley, Cathy
Miller and Karen Thomas. 
Cathy made a report that the committee contacted the current board members
up for re-election (Terry Powers and Jeanette Kutash). Both expressed
interest in continuing to serve on the board and this is the committee's
Tammy thanked the committee and thanked Jeanette and Terry for serving on
the board. Tammy said that this recommendation does not exclude any paid
member from being nominated at the general meeting on July 8 at the
national convention.

Tammy did not want anyone to be discouraged from teaching a class simply
because the class proposal form is challenging to complete. She offered her
help and had other suggestions for getting help. 

Christmas in August: 
Tammy announced that we are planning another Christmas in August this year.

Accessibility partnerships:
Tammy told about one of our members (Cathy Miller) writing a request to
Hershner's and their web site. Now they contact Cathy and Tammy every time
there is an update to make sure their site is accessible.
ReNae VanHouye spoke to the Monday night chat about making patterns
Cathy asked a lady that provides Kumoheto patterns and instruction. She
reached out to her and the lady happily provided the patterns in accessible

General meeting of Krafters Korner is on July 8 from 1:00 - 5:00 EST. 
Tammy invited anyone who wanted to donate door prizes to do so and notify
Tanya of their contribution. Tanya provided her e-mail address of
vanharris62 at gmail.com <mailto:vanharris62 at gmail.com> . 
Joyce Kane donated a year's membership from the Kane Bruer/Knox fund. 
Tammy told the general body about our plans to have an ask the pros panel
at the convention meeting.
Tammy said that our kk market will be available through the exhibit hall. 

Bernice asked about the blanket that the division made for a fund-raiser.
Tammy advised that we still have the blanket and we will present it at the
next live convention.

Meeting adjourned.
Prepared by Tanya VanHouten 
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