[NFB-Krafters-Korner] August Charity Donations

SHELLEY SCHUETT shelleyschuett at telus.net
Wed Sep 1 13:57:02 UTC 2021

August Charity Donations

Great job everyone. This month there was 165 hand crafted items and 54
miscellaneous items donated. The miscellaneous items in case your're
wondering are things like school supplies or soaps that could be added to
shoe boxes. All these items were given to two organizations. They were
Operation Christmas Child and Blankets 4 Canada. Yes you can make items for
the charities focused on or you may make items and give them locally. We
don't want anyone to spend a lot of money on shipping. For example I made
items for Operation Christmas Child, but instead of shipping my items to
Cathy or Renae I went onto Operation Christmas Child website and found a
distribution place here in Alberta to give to. I'm excited to see what the
up coming charities are and what will be made for them. 


Did you know I hate a dirty house, but not bad enough to cleanit, but enough
to give it a discussing glare from my crafting chair.


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