[NFB-Krafters-Korner] April charity donations

SHELLEY SCHUETT shelleyschuett at telus.net
Sun May 1 14:55:54 UTC 2022

April Charity Donations


Outstanding stats for this month. I love all the participation. This month
there was 232 hand crafted items and 11 miscellaneous items donated and 5
volunteer hours recorded. If you're wondering what some of the items
received this month were as follows crafted items it was hats, soap sacks,
crocheted hearts, scarves, gift bags, and pillows. The miscellaneous items
were towels, food, and a box of material. The volunteer hours were
planning and teaching classes. 

There was also a total of $100 given in monetary cash donations for aide to
Ukraine. All these items and peoples time was donated to 5   organizations.
They were Crafting for change Ukraine, Aide for Ukraine, NFB Idaho chapter,
crafters corner and to a refugee program.  The refugee program works with
refugees on sewing and knitting. They provide each woman who completes the
program with a sewing machine. If you have any donations to report you can
send them to me at

Shelleyschuett at telus.net <mailto:Shelleyschuett at telus.net> 




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