[NFB-Krafters-Korner] April Donations

SHELLEY SCHUETT shelleyschuett at telus.net
Sun Apr 30 14:52:48 UTC 2023

April Donations

I love all the participation. This month there was 185 hand crafted items
and 11 miscellaneous items donated and 160 volunteer hours recorded. If
you're wondering what some of the items received this month were as follows
crafted items it was cards, scarves, necklaces, bracelets, book marks,
puppets, craft kits, sewing kits. The miscellaneous items were stuffed
animals and dolls. The volunteer hours were   website work, class
preparation, teaching, and sitting on boards of various groups.Also this
month hours were put in for planning and preparing a fund raising supper and
cleaning and organizing a church kitchen. 

All these items and peoples time was donated to 11 organizations. They were
Crafters Corner, Cards for Hospitalized Kids, NFB chapter of Idaho, Mighty
Miracle Foundation, Operation Christmas Child, Vanderbilt Children's
hospital, Global Cane Outreach, First Baptist Church, 21 Century Lion's Club
NB, NFB convention Nebraska, Brooklyn Crochet class.

If you have any donations to report you can send them to me at

Shelleyschuett at telus.net <mailto:Shelleyschuett at telus.net> 

Also if you have any questions or suggestions for a charity you would like
me to check in to I'd like to hear from you.



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