[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Is your membership in Krafters Korner current?

krafterskornermembership at gmail.com krafterskornermembership at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 17:09:03 UTC 2023

Just a reminder that we need to hear from you if you would like to be a
member of the Krafters Korner Group.



We have our Christmas in August classes this month and you wouldn't want to
miss out in participating in these great classes.


Our membership runs from July 1 of the current year through to June 30 of
the following year.


If you have not sent in your contact information to 

krafterskornermembership at gmail.com
<mailto:krafterskornermembership at gmail.com%20%20yet>   yet this year than we
do not have you recorded as a current member.


If you received a confirmation email from me that your information was
received, then you're all set until next year.


If you though have not yet done so, please send your contact information NOT
to this email list.


Send it to the krafterskornermembership at gmail.com
<mailto:krafterskornermembership at gmail.com>   email address.


The information we are collecting for membership is as follows:

1.	First and last name
2.	Email address
3.	Home phone
4.	Mobile phone
5.	City
6.	State
7.	And if you are not located in the USA, please include your country.

Thank you kindly,



Dixie Sanderson

Krafters Korner Membership Database Manager

KraftersKornerMembership at Gmail.Com


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