[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Is your membership in Krafters Korner current?

Kathryn johnson kathrynkj at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 01:41:36 UTC 2023

Hi henry and All, no NFB Krafters even let in people like myself who are on my fourth time learning to Crochet and member of ACB  and have to use my phone because i have no internet until I go home. shelley, I havdd made 1 scarf so far for thdd month of August. Just in case i can not let you know.  My x Ray report was good today., i am growing good bone in my right leg, thanks for the prays and thoughts! I will have aMMRI  ON this Friday August 11 at 4PM MDT. Please say prays and good thoughts  for my 3rd Ventricle with fluid  build up and that other stuures in my brain are ok. i had CAT scan after my fall while I was in  the ER, THAT IS WHY THEY  want the MRi.  Thanks so much.  sorry for writing from my phone. Happy Knitting! Kathryn Kathryn K. Johnson

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