[NFB-Krafters-Korner] A sewing night before Christmas

SHELLEY SCHUETT shelleyschuett at telus.net
Mon Dec 11 01:03:01 UTC 2023

A sewing night before Christmas


Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house
My children were sleeping, and so was my spouse
The handmade stockings were hung by the chimney with care
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

But I was not all snug in my bed
I had visions of just a few more sewn gifts in my head
> pouch for my neighbor, a
<https://mellysews.com/2013/12/braided-cowl-tutorial.html> cowl for my
A  <https://mellysews.com/2011/12/poinsettia-headbands.html> headband for my
niece and a <https://mellysews.com/2013/05/mens-shirt-pattern-tutorial.html>
shirt for my mister


I sat in the dark stitching merrily along,
Sipping some cocoa and humming a Christmas song
When out of my machine arose such a clatter
I took my foot off the pedal to see what was the matter

The bobbin was wound with no threads astray
The needle was new, the tension okay
There was not a stray pin to be found
But still, the machine was making a sound!

"Oh dear," I thought, as I searched desperately,
"I must find the problem to get these gifts under the tree!"
I searched and searched, finding nothing amiss
About to cry I heard a soft, "Tsk, tsk."

And what to my wondering eyes did appear?
But Santa himself and on the lawn eight reindeer.
He had a knowing twinkle in his eye,
"There, there," he said, "There's no need to cry."

"My dear," he said, "Whatever is the matter?"
"Oh Santa," I said, "I can't find the source of this clatter!
The presents won't be finished - you're already here!
I really need to start sooner next year!"


And the wise old elf patted my arm
Saying, "There's no need for alarm.
This would have happened no matter when you started
It's a result of being very big hearted.

"The gifts of handmade are not just for December
You share your crafts all year, remember?
Your loved ones know they are loved a heap
Now please call it good enough and go to sleep."

I nodded at Santa and the wisdom he said
Turned off the machine and headed to bed.
But when I awoke in the morning, what did I see?
All the unfinished gifts had appeared under the tree!

And in a box addressed to me,
Inside this note did I see
"My elves your projects completed
For they did not want you to feel defeated.

But I hope you recall and I hope you know
That all year every stitch that you sew
Clothes and comforts your family and friends
With the labor of love that it sends.


Sewing is not just for Christmas, as well you know
Sharing your talents is what makes love grow
So Merry Christmas to all, and a happy new year
Of sewing and crafting and spreading good cheer!




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