[NFB-Krafters-Korner] A craft shop night before Christmas

SHELLEY SCHUETT shelleyschuett at telus.net
Mon Dec 11 01:11:18 UTC 2023

A craft shop night before Christmas


Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house,

Not an order was waiting and I could finally talk to my spouse.


The packages had been mailed with tracking numbers and all,

In hopes that the post office wouldn't drop the ball.


Vinyl and supplies was spread all over the place,

I even found a couple pieces stuck to my face.


My machine was turned off and the computer asleep,

Monograms were done and holiday pjs complete.


When out from my phone I heard the cha-ching,

A last minute order from my friend, Caroleen.


The order was a onesie for her little grandson,

She needed it personalized and fast without spending a ton.


I went to my craft room to see what I could create,

But I was running low on everything , the order was just too late.


I took a deep breath and preceded to respond,

There was no way I could have her order completed by dawn.


When what to my wondering eyes did appear,

But a text that said OK maybe next year.


I was proud of myself for turning down the request,

Policies and pre-orders really are for the best.


I went back to my craft room and started tidying up,

And remembered I still needed to monogram my own cup.


Now Vine and block letters, maybe circle or swirl;

Or print, or bolded or let's give cursive a whirl.


As long as it's centered, in my favorite color with glitter,

Cut them all out and I'll find somewhere to put her.


>From the top of the mantle to the top of the wall,

Monogram, monogram, Monogram it ALL!


I made it through the season, The holiday rush is complete,

Being a small business owner is no easy feat.


It is totally worth the stress and the crazy,

But, being your own boss isn't for the lazy.


Now off to bed to sleep and refresh,

Then on to Valentine's day, bring on all the Pink and Red mesh.


My spouse says he heard me mumble before I crashed out for the night,

Happy Christmas to all and a 5 star review is in sight.




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