[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Bernice

Bernice Bird bernice.j.bird at gmail.com
Wed Dec 13 21:03:12 UTC 2023

I thought it was anywhere enough at $105. I think the group was too small to
really get a good result. 
A student bid on it, and someone out bid her. My daughter wanted her to have
it so Heather out bid that person, and is going to give it to her student
So, I'd have to say it wasn't horrible. People just have no idea of how much
time is involved with homemade craft items.
I gave several pairs of dishcloths away as door prizes, and those people
came up to me to say they liked them.

-----Original Message-----
From: NFB-Krafters-Korner <nfb-krafters-korner-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf
Of Dixie via NFB-Krafters-Korner
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 2:27 PM
To: 'List for blind crafters and artists' <nfb-krafters-korner at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Dixie <cobaltblueheron at gmail.com>
Subject: [NFB-Krafters-Korner] Bernice


How did the auction of the Log Cabin Afghan  you made and donated go?

@-> + <-@

-----Original Message-----
From: NFB-Krafters-Korner <nfb-krafters-korner-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf
Of Bernice Bird via NFB-Krafters-Korner
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2023 7:05 PM
To: 'List for blind crafters and artists' <nfb-krafters-korner at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Bernice Bird <bernice.j.bird at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [NFB-Krafters-Korner] FW: Christmas party schedule December 10,

This past weekend was the New York State NFB convention, and we were on our
way home. I did entirely too much walking, pulling and lifting, and sitting
in those strait back chairs. My back said it didn't appreciate all of that.
We had a van full, so listening to the party would have been difficult.
I did receive a wonderful large zippered tote from Blind Girl Designs from
Lucy with a skein of yarn in it to add to my stash. 
I'm hoping Annie got her gift from me.
Merry Christmas.

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