[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Labeling Yarn Colors- stash and working yarn

Kit Aronoff kit.aronoff at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 20:56:33 UTC 2023

I’m going down the rabbit hole of fiber arts! I bought a drop spindle, and am excited to start spinning yarn. I’ve been crocheting for a few years and knitting most of my life. But as I get more yarn, and as my vision gets worse, I find myself facing a bit of dilemma. How do you:

1) label your yarn stash and 
2) If you’re working on a project with multiple yarn colors, how do you label each one? Like if I’m working up a C2C crochet blanket with a casual pattern with lots of color changes, or I’m using a tablet loom, what strategies do you use to label the working yarn?

Any suggestions much appreciated!


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