[NFB-Krafters-Korner] re-posting Braille Cat Picture Card

krafterskornertreasurer at gmail.com krafterskornertreasurer at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 23:47:10 UTC 2023

Just in case you missed my first posting:


Class name, Braille Cat Picture Card

Craft type, miscellaneous

Instructor,  <mailto:flowersandherbs at gmail.com> Cathy F

Class format, phone/email

Class date, July 27

Class time, 7:00 p.m. Eastern

Sign up deadline, July 20


Class description: 

Learn to make this half page sized card with a picture of a lovable cat on
the front. Email instructions will be sent to those who have signed up for
the class. 

Skills needed: 

Know how to use a braille writer

Supply list:

Braille writer

Braille paper


Sign up here! <https://www.krafterskorner.org/students>           


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