[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Trivia Tuesday

jellybeanfarm at gmail.com jellybeanfarm at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 12:55:43 UTC 2023



It's time for trivia Tuesday again.  Today the questions are coming from a
quilting quiz and they are multiple choice.


1.	What is the generally accepted "lifespan" of cotton fabric (in
a) 70
b) 80
c) 90
d) 100
2.	Name a stitch typically found on a Victorian crazy quilt.
a) Feather stitch
b) Satin stitch
c) Outline or running stitch
d) All of the above
3.	The thimble is thought to have originated in what European country?
a) Holland
b) Spain
c) France
d) Ireland
4.	The first cotton prints in America were made by John Hewson between
1778 and 1780-what were they called?
a) Solids
b) Prints
c) Calicoes
d) Rotaries
5.	Susan B. Anthony did what at a church quilting get-together in
a) Designed a coin with a quilt on it
b) Wrote the lyrics to a well-known quilting song
c) Declared quilting a national pass time
d) Gave her first speech about women's suffrage

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