[NFB-Krafters-Korner] please read

SHELLEY SCHUETT shelleyschuett at telus.net
Sat Jun 10 15:58:01 UTC 2023

Want to know Wednesday

A few months ago I thought it would be fun to start back up the want to know
Wednesday. This was to help bring us closer together as a group, help us to
learn more about each other and may give ideas for classes and chat topics.
I'm interested in people's honest feedback. So if you could copy and paste
the following questions and email them to me with your honest answers it
would be helpful. Please send them to shelleyschuett at telus.net
<mailto:shelleyschuett at telus.net>  so that we don't clutter up the email

Thank you for your feedback.


1 Do you like an active list?

2 Do you want to see want to know Wednesday continue?

3 Would you like to see other weekly or monthly email activities happening?

4 What are any other suggestions of email activities that could be hosted
that you can think of?


Did you know they say throw out the things that don't make you happy? So I
tossed out all my cleaning supplies and kept my yarn.



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