[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Status change

Tammy Freitag krafters.division.president at gmail.com
Sat Jun 24 21:53:53 UTC 2023

Hello KK members!  Now that we are wrapping up the 22/23 year, we will
be jumping into the 23/24 year with our status change from a Division
to a Group.

The reasons for this change were previously shared on the list.  We
can now move forward and continue crafting.

  What does this change mean for us?  Glad you asked!
 We will not be charging dues for membership.  There is not an elected
board, therefore we do not have elections during the National
Convention.  We will be creating a committee to assist in the running
of Krafters Korner. The people currently serving on the board have
agreed to continue their support.  If you are interested in working
with me on this committee, please let me know.
We can continue having a meeting and craft show during National convention.

 After convention, I will schedule a committee meeting so we can hit
the ground running.

Membership starts on July 1, 2023 and ends on June 30, 2024.  I would
still like you to let us know if you want to be considered a member.
Just because you lurk on the listserv will not let us know you are
interested in participating in classes, chats and any other activities
offered.  Stay tuned for more info.

Please join us in celebrating Christmas in August.

If you ever have questions about this group, please feel free to ask!

Craft Soon!
Tammy Freitag, President
NFB Krafters' Division
H: 402-904-5105

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