terrypowers59 at gmail.com terrypowers59 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 14:15:28 UTC 2023

Get well!


-----Original Message-----
From: NFB-Krafters-Korner <nfb-krafters-korner-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf
Of Jeanette Kutash via NFB-Krafters-Korner
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 9:39 AM
To: 'List for blind crafters and artists' <nfb-krafters-korner at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Jeanette Kutash <kutash-jm at comcast.net>
Subject: [NFB-Krafters-Korner] IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ!
Importance: High

I had every intention of teaching knitting today but I have no voice; I have
been sick since Saturday and hoped that today I would be all right, but it
just wasn't in the plan. I will try to see if we can reschedule as my time
is more flexible than it has been in the past 7 months.


Sorry to do this, but hard to teach without much voice!



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