[NFB-Krafters-Korner] answers to trivia

jellybeanfarm at gmail.com jellybeanfarm at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 16:44:29 UTC 2023



Here are the answers to the Halloween trivia questions.


What is the least popular Halloween Candy?

Answer: Candy corn


In which decade did the term "
<https://www.rd.com/article/what-time-does-trick-or-treating-start/> trick
or treat" originate in the United States?

Answer: The 1920s


What is the most popular Halloween candy in America?

Answer: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups


Which story originated the Headless Horseman?

Answer: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow


Where did real mummies originate?

Answer: Ancient Egypt


When was the Halloween song Monster Mash first recorded?

Answer: 1962


What are the Halloween colors?

Answer: Black, orange and purple


What is another name for Halloween?

Answer: All Hallows' Eve


Who brought the Halloween tradition to the United States?

Answer: The Irish, during the potato famine


Before jack-o'-lanterns were carved as pumpkins, what other root vegetable
was commonly used

Answer: Turnips



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