[NFB-Krafters-Korner] making a pillow

Dixie cobaltblueheron at gmail.com
Sun Nov 12 20:54:58 UTC 2023

There are a few different options.
First option, If you knit a large rectangle, twice the size of the pillow,
so long enough to go completely around the pillow plus just a bit.  Fold it
in half, short end to short end, overlapping the short ends, you can put
buttons and buttonholes there, which will go across the middle back of the
Second option is Knit that rectangle 2 and 1/4 size of the pillow.  Then it
is sewn together along the side edges to make a pocket the size of the
pillow.  The extra quarter of length makes a flap then comes down over half
of the back,  and by sewing just the edges, not the end,   it makes an
envelope.  This doesn't need buttons.  Kind of like a pillowcase that has
that extra folder in edge to enclose the end f a bed pillow.  By making it
half the width of the back side it completely encloses the pillow in an
Think of pillow shams you may have seen that go with bedding sets.  Those
don't usually have buttons.

Another option is that You could install a zipper along one edge.

@-> + <-@

-----Original Message-----
From: NFB-Krafters-Korner <nfb-krafters-korner-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf
Of Bernice Bird via NFB-Krafters-Korner
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2023 8:24 PM
To: 'List for blind crafters and artists' <nfb-krafters-
korner at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Bernice Bird <bernice.j.bird at gmail.com>
Subject: [NFB-Krafters-Korner] making a pillow

I want to make a knitted pillow where I can remove the knitted cover to wash
it. No big mystery about knitting a rectangle, sewing 2 sides, and then what
to do with the third side so it can be taken off to wash. Has anybody done



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