[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Sharing a note of appreciation

Tammy Freitag krafters.division.president at gmail.com
Wed Nov 15 19:21:42 UTC 2023

In checking my email today, I came across the following message to KK.
I want to share it with you.

***Note of Appreciation***
I'm just getting in touch to thank the members of the NFB Krafters Group
for putting together your resources page! I'm one of the tutors at the North
Mountain Institute here in Arizona and right now I'm helping a group of
middle school students with a sewing and quilting project for their Family
and Home Economics Education class. Their teacher asked the class to discuss
the importance of learning how to sew, touching on the topics such as
developing hand-eye coordination, learning math skills with sewing patterns
and measuring, and developing a sense of personal creativity! They will also
need to demonstrate an understanding of basic sewing skills and techniques.
I love that they're still teaching this class - I've heard most schools
removed it from their curriculum, sadly! You shared some wonderful textile
arts websites for the kids to check out! We really appreciate the help! And
to pay it forward, my student asked me to send you this guide to
removing stains from fabrics:

It's a nice list of common stains and the best way to clean/remove them from
any fabric. she thought other textile lovers would love having this on hand
for life's little accidents haha! Will you include it on here for her?

I know she would be thrilled to help! She's really excelled at this class
> and plans to pursue a career in fashion design! I'd love to share this with her
> teacher if you use it! I'm hoping she'll get some extra credit! Will you let
 me know?

Thank you!
***The End***

I loved it!

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