[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Fun Thanksgiving Facts

Ramona W walhoframona at gmail.com
Thu Nov 23 17:10:33 UTC 2023

lesebranek at q.com        Perhaps this isn't aws entertaining as your 
lists, but some of it is interessting.

Happy Thanksgiving!


On 11/23/2023 7:29 AM, Tammy Freitag via NFB-Krafters-Korner wrote:
> Wow!
> What a list of Cool Thanksgiving information!  Thanks for sharing!  Now to
> go process all of this info.
> Smile!
> Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!
> Tammy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NFB-Krafters-Korner <nfb-krafters-korner-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf
> Of Nella Foster via NFB-Krafters-Korner
> Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2023 11:29 PM
> To: 'List for blind crafters and artists' <nfb-krafters-korner at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: jellybeanfarm at gmail.com
> Subject: [NFB-Krafters-Korner] Fun Thanksgiving Facts
> Hello:
> Instead of trivia questions I’m sharing a bunch of fun Thanksgiving facts.
> I certainly learned some new things and hope you do too.  I found some of
> the facts to be surprising.
> *	In 2023, which state is projected to raise the most turkeys? Answer:
> Minnesota
> *	How many balloons are featured in the 2023 Macy's Thanksgiving Day
> Parade? Answer: 25
> *	According to a poll
> <https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/the-least-popular-thanksgiving-side-dis
> h/> , what Thanksgiving side dish is the least popular among Americans?
> Answer: Green bean casserole
> *	According to Merriam-Webster
> <https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/friendsgiving-meaning> , when was
> the term "Friendsgiving" first circulated? Answer: 2007
> *	Referred to as the "pumpkin capital" of the U.S., what town is home
> to the Libby's pumpkin
> <https://www.today.com/food/how-libby-s-canned-pumpkin-puree-made-t167095>
> canning plant? Answer: Morton, Illinois
> *	What year did "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" debut on television?
> Answer: 1973
> *	In 2022, how much did the average Thanksgiving dinner cost per
> person? Answer: $64.05, according to the
> <https://www.fb.org/news-release/farm-bureau-survey-shows-thanksgiving-dinne
> r-cost-up-20>  American Farm Bureau Federation.
> *	Approximately how many supermarkets and grocery stores are there in
> the U.S.? Answer: According to the U.S. Census Bureau, as of 2020 there were
> 62,300.
> *	According to Macy's, how many people attend the attend the Macy's
> Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York each year? Answer: 3.5 million.
> *	How many pounds of glitter are sprinkled on Macy's Thanksgiving
> Parade floats and costumes? Answer: 300 pounds.
> *	What movie holds the record for the highest-grossing weekend
> <https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/01/media/frozen-2-box-office-thanksgiving-recor
> d/index.html>  in Thanksgiving history? Answer: "Frozen 2"
> *	Are pumpkins technically a fruit or a vegetable? Answer: Fruit
> *	According to the U.S. Census Bureau, how many places in the U.S. are
> named Cranberry? Answer: Five
> *	According to Guinness World Records, how much does the world's
> largest pumpkin pie weigh? Answer: Made in 2010, the record-breaking pie
> weighed 3,699 lbs
> *	How many calories are in a typical holiday dinner? Answer: According
> to the Calorie Control Council
> <https://caloriecontrol.org/popular-holiday-dishes/> , approximately 3000.
> *	How many minutes a day does the average American (15 and older)
> spend eating and drinking? Answer: According to the USDA
> <https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2011/11/22/how-much-time-do-americans-spend
> -eating> , 67 minutes.
> *	What is an adult female turkey called? Answer: A hen
> *	What is an adult male turkey called? Answer: A tom
> *	What temperature should a turkey be cooked to for safe eating?
> Answer: 165 °F
> *	What holiday was the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
> commemorating? Answer: Christmas
> *	Which states were forecasted to raise the most turkeys in 2022?
> Answer (in order): Minnesota, North Carolina, Arkansas, Indiana, Missouri
> and Virginia, according to the U.S. Census Bureau
> <https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/sis/resources/thanksgiving-day-ff.
> pdf> .
> *	Has there ever been a hurricane on Thanksgiving Day? Answer: Though
> November hurricanes are rare, Hurricane Otto hit Central America on
> Thanksgiving Day in 2016 and is the strongest hurricane
> <https://www.accuweather.com/en/hurricane/the-most-notorious-november-atlant
> ic-hurricanes/602213>  on record so late in the season.
> *	What is the most popular day to shop during Thanksgiving
> weekend?Answer: Black Friday is the most popular with 69% of those surveyed
> planning to shop on the day, according to the National Retail Federation
> <https://nrf.com/media-center/press-releases/record-1663-million-shoppers-ex
> pected-during-thanksgiving-weekend> .
> *	What snowstorm blanketed New York City on Thanksgiving Day, causing
> problems for the Macy’s parade? Answer: On Nov. 23, 1989, four inches of
> snow <https://www.farmersalmanac.com/historic-thanksgiving-storms-8189>
> fell on the Big Apple, marking the first Thanksgiving Day storm in more than
> 50 years.
> *	Which retailer was the first to host a Thanksgiving Day parade?
> Answer: Gimbels department store hosted a Thanksgiving Day parade in
> Philadelphia in 1920, four years before Macy’s held their first.
> *	Which U.S. president was the first to officially pardon a turkey?
> Answer: In 1989, George H.W. Bush "presented a Presidential pardon" to a
> "fine tom turkey" — and it's been an annual tradition ever since.
> *	What were the top three gift categories for gift-giving in 2022
> <https://nrf.com/media-center/press-releases/record-1663-million-shoppers-ex
> pected-during-thanksgiving-weekend> ? Answer (in order): Clothing, gift
> cards and toys
> *	Which U.S. Founding Father famously referred to turkeys as "a bird
> of courage"? Answer: Benjamin Franklin
> *	What do Americans report being most thankful for? Answer: Family,
> health and life, according to a 2021 survey by YouGov
> <https://today.yougov.com/topics/society/articles-reports/2021/11/24/thanksg
> iving-what-are-americans-thankful-for> .
> *	 True or false: The Pilgrims referred to themselves as “Pilgrims.”
> Answer: False. They called themselves "Separatists"
> *	Which two NFL teams have played a game on Thanksgiving Day since
> 1966? Answer: Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys
> *	What did the Spaniards likely eat at the first Thanksgiving? Answer:
> Based on what they brought over on their ships, it was likely a pork and
> bean stew, sea biscuits and red wine.
> *	 How long can a turkey be stored in the freezer? Answer: An unopened
> whole turkey can be frozen for up to two years, according to Butterball
> <https://www.butterball.com/about-us/faqs> .
> *	How long is the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade route? Answer: 2.5
> miles
> *	What notable Native American served as an interpreter between the
> Pilgrims and Native Americans? Answer: Squanto
> *	How many passengers were on the Mayflower? Answer: 102
> *	When was the first Thanksgiving feast held? Answer:  November 1621
> *	What was on the menu of the first Thanksgiving? Answer: Venison,
> goose, duck, fish, and porridge or bread made from corn
> *	When was Thanksgiving declared a national celebration? Answer:
> President George Washington designated November 26 as a Day of National
> Thanksgiving in 1789.
> *	In 2022, how many people shopped on Thanksgiving weekend? Answer: A
> record-breaking 196.7 million consumers, according to the NRF
> <https://nrf.com/media-center/press-releases/record-1967-million-consumers-s
> hop-over-thanksgiving-holiday-weekend> .
> *	When was it decided that Thanksgiving would be observed on the last
> Thursday in November? Answer: On Oct. 3, 1863, Abraham Lincoln signed a
> proclamation, stating the last Thursday in November was Thanksgiving.
> *	When did the Mayflower officially depart England for America?
> Answer: September 6, 1620
> *	How long was the Mayflower’s voyage from England to America? Answer:
> 66 days
> *	Where did the Pilgrims first land when arriving on America’s shores?
> Answer: Provincetown, Massachusetts
> *	Where did the Pilgrims settle? Answer: Though the Mayflower
> initially landed off the coast of Cape Cod, they ultimately settled in
> Plymouth, Massachusetts.
> *	What was the first official act of legislation by the Pilgrims?
> Answer: On November 11, 1620, the Mayflower Compact was written and signed
> by the male Pilgrims and passengers of the Mayflower laying the groundwork
> for the first government.
> *	How did the cranberry get its name? Answer: Originally dubbed the
> "craneberry," Pilgrims likened the pink blossoms that appear on cranberries
> to the heads of Sandhill Cranes.
> *	How many cranberries are in one pound? Answer: Roughly 440
> *	How many cranberries are produced each year? Answer: U.S. farmers
> harvest approximately 40,000 acres annually
> *	How long did the first Thanksgiving feast last? Answer: Three days
> *	How many colonists were living in America in 1620? Answer:
> Approximately 2,499, according to the U.S. Census Bureau
> <https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2019/11/fun-facts-about-thanksgiving
> -from-turkey-texas-to-pilgrim-michigan.html> .
> *	How many places in the U.S. have the word “Turkey” in their name?
> Answer: Seven, per the U.S. Census Bureau
> <https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2019/11/fun-facts-about-thanksgiving
> -from-turkey-texas-to-pilgrim-michigan.html> . Turkey City, Texas; Turkey
> Creek, Arizona; Turkey Creek, Stone County, Arkansas; Turkey Creek,
> McPherson County, Kansas; Turkey Creek, Louisiana; Turkey, North Carolina
> and Turkey Valley, Yankton County, South Dakota
> *	How many Pilgrims were at the first Thanksgiving harvest feast in
> 1621? Answer: Approximately 53
> *	What household hazard triples on Thanksgiving? Answer: Fires. There
> are more than three times the daily average calls about home cooking fires
> on Thanksgiving Day, according to the National Fire Protection Association
> <https://www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/Fire-causes-and-risks/Seasonal-fire-c
> auses/Thanksgiving> .
> *	How many hours does it take to thaw a frozen turkey in the
> refrigerator? Answer: Approximately 24 hours for each four to five pounds of
> frozen turkey according to the National Grocers Association
> <https://www.nationalgrocers.org/news/6-tips-to-remember-for-a-food-safe-tha
> nksgiving/> .
> *	Once cooked, how long can turkey sit before it should be
> refrigerated? Answer: No longer than two hours
> *	How long should leftover turkey be stored? Answer: Leftover turkey
> can be stored for up to four days in the refrigerator. If turkey is stored
> in an airtight container, it can be stored in the freezer for up to two
> years.
> *	How many Pilgrims survived the first winter in America? Answer:
> About half
> *	On average, how many Americans hit the road on Thanksgiving? Answer:
> Roughly 50 million, according to AAA and INRIX
> <https://newsroom.aaa.com/2021/11/buckle-up-aaa-predicts-thanksgiving-travel
> -to-rebound-almost-to-pre-pandemic-levels/> .
> *	Which Founding Father once proclaimed, “No citizen of the U.S. shall
> refrain from turkey on Thanksgiving Day”? Answer: Alexander Hamilton
> *	When is the worst time to travel for Thanksgiving? Answer: According
> to AAA and INRIX
> <https://newsroom.aaa.com/2021/11/buckle-up-aaa-predicts-thanksgiving-travel
> -to-rebound-almost-to-pre-pandemic-levels/> , the Wednesday before
> Thanksgiving between noon and 8:00 p.m.
> *	How many places in the U.S. have the word “Pilgrim” in their name?
> Answer: Two, per the U.S. Census
> <https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2019/11/fun-facts-about-thanksgiving
> -from-turkey-texas-to-pilgrim-michigan.html>
> <https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2019/11/fun-facts-about-thanksgiving
> -from-turkey-texas-to-pilgrim-michigan.html>  Bureau
> <https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2019/11/fun-facts-about-thanksgiving
> -from-turkey-texas-to-pilgrim-michigan.html>  — Pilgrim, Michigan and
> Pilgrim, Dade County, Missouri.
> *	Which U.S. metro areas experience the worst pre-Thanksgiving
> congestion? Answer: Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles and New York
> City, according to AAA and INRIX
> <https://newsroom.aaa.com/2021/11/buckle-up-aaa-predicts-thanksgiving-travel
> -to-rebound-almost-to-pre-pandemic-levels/> .
> *	How many turkeys are consumed each Thanksgiving? Answer: The
> <http://www.eatturkey.org/>  National Turkey Federation estimates Americans
> eat about 45 to 46 million on Thanksgiving.
> *	True or false: Thanksgiving is the busiest travel holiday of the
> year. Answer: False. The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is the
> busiest time for travel with upwards of 90 to 100 million Americans
> traveling during that time, according to AAA.
> *	True or false: The Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving with
> the Sioux Native Americans. Answer: False. The Pilgrims joined the Wampanoag
> Native People (which includes the Mashpee, Aquinnah and Manomet groups) for
> the first harvest gathering.
> *	Which state produces the most cranberries? Answer: Wisconsin.
> *	What are the top ten most popular Thanksgiving foods? Answer (in
> order): Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing or dressing, gravy, rolls and
> bread, pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes or yams, apple pie, cranberry sauce and
> corn, according to a survey by the National Grocers Association
> <https://www.nationalgrocers.org/news/grocers-can-give-thanks-for-a-season-o
> f-plenty/> .
> *	What are the three most-disliked Thanksgiving foods? Answer:
> According to a 2021 survey by The Vacationer
> <https://thevacationer.com/thanksgiving-travel-survey-2021/> , cranberry
> sauce tops the list followed by turkey and green bean casserole.
> *	What do Marilyn Monroe, Meryl Streep, Matt Damon and Taylor Swift
> all have in common? Answer: According to the New England Historic
> Genealogical Society
> <https://mayflower.americanancestors.org/famous-descendants> , they’re all
> descendants of passengers or crew on the Mayflower.
> *	 True or false: Pilgrim Monument is located at Plymouth Rock.
> Answer: False. The Pilgrim Monument is located in Provincetown,
> Massachusetts.
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