[NFB-Krafters-Korner] scented markers

terrypowers59 at gmail.com terrypowers59 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 15:49:34 UTC 2023

The only time I remember getting stung was at work.  I was outside at lunch
and one got in my knitting bag!
A friend of mine, got stung, when bighting into a hamberger!
He had to be taken to the hospital!
I think you can guess where the stinger landed!


-----Original Message-----
From: NFB-Krafters-Korner <nfb-krafters-korner-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf
Of Bernice Bird via NFB-Krafters-Korner
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 8:36 PM
To: 'List for blind crafters and artists' <nfb-krafters-korner at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Bernice Bird <bernice.j.bird at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [NFB-Krafters-Korner] scented markers

I always bought my daughter scented markers when she was little. My Mom made
her a denim piece with a pocket for each color, and sowed a braille label
above each pocket so she could keep track. It rolled up, and had ties to
keep it together.
One day she was coloring on our front porch when she was 5, and I heard a
blood curdling scream. A bee liked the marker she was using, and stung her
poor little finger. I didn't know it, but there was a nest of bees between
the cement porch steps and the foundation of the house. She got stung one
more time and so did I.

-----Original Message-----
From: NFB-Krafters-Korner <nfb-krafters-korner-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf
Of Debbie via NFB-Krafters-Korner
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 7:26 PM
To: 'List for blind crafters and artists' <nfb-krafters-korner at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Debbie <debbie7515 at bellsouth.net>
Subject: [NFB-Krafters-Korner] scented markers

Hi Ericka,

They do have scented markers. They would be extra good for someone who does
not like to use paint. I'm not sure the mud one would be good but who knows
someone might like it. LOL


Debbie Killian


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