[NFB-Krafters-Korner] answers to trivia

jellybeanfarm at gmail.com jellybeanfarm at gmail.com
Wed Oct 4 23:48:20 UTC 2023

Here are the trivia answers.


1.	What colors are considered primary colors? Red, yellow and blue
2.	Can you list 2 types of pink? Hot pink, baby pink, rose and many
3.	What colors are combined to make green? Blue and yellow
4.	What is the most common favorite color world wide? It is blue.
5.	How many colors are used in a traditional rainbow? There are 7, red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. 
6.	What color has historically been associated with royalty? It is
7.	How many colors are usually featured on a color wheel? There are 12.
8.	True or false, Chromophobia is the fear of color. This is true.
9.	True or false: There is an estimated 400 shades or tents of red.
This is true. 
10.	What color is associated with joy, happiness and energy? The answer
is yellow.


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