[NFB-Krafters-Korner] FW: 🍂 Autumn Days 2023 at Harrisville Designs

terrypowers59 at gmail.com terrypowers59 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 14:43:03 UTC 2023




From: Harrisville Designs, Inc. <help at harrisville.com> 
Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2023 1:21 PM
To: Terry <terrypowers59 at gmail.com>
Subject: 🍂 Autumn Days 2023 at Harrisville Designs







Autumn Days 2023 | 4 Mill Alley




Just arrived! Stop in to see the beautiful new array of John Arbon Exmoor Sock Yarns. Milled in South Molton, England, John Arbon Textiles is one of only a handful of small-scale worsted spinning mills still operating in the UK. According to the company, this 4-ply sock yarn uses fleece from a local Exmoor Blueface sheep, adding naturally dark browny-black Devon Zwartbles for “extra bounce and a subtle fleck of color, plus Falklands Corriedale to enhance softness and stitch definition and a hint of Nylon for durability.” 

With such distinctive hues, choosing the perfect colorwork and stripe combinations for your next sock project may be a tad harder - but a whole lot more fun! It’s even machine washable (on a wool cycle with mild detergent, of course). Learn more about this unique fiber and why the company takes such pride in names like Oddmedod and Dimity here. 






Upcoming Fall Classes


The end of our 2023 workshop season is just around the corner. There are a handful of spots remaining. If you’ve been thinking of attending one, we hope next month is the perfect time to join us!




Mosaic Knitting with Ann Weaver (OCT 12) 



The Hidden World of Braids with Ann Weaver (OCT 13) 



Twisted Stitches of Austria with Donna Kay (OCT 24–27) 



Make Your Own Wardrobe: KNITS WEEK! with Cal Patch (OCT 30–NOV 3) 




While classes are coming to an end this year, there is always the option to set up a Weave-a-Project appointment with specialist Bettie Zakon-Anderson.

Each appointment is held on a Saturday from 10am-4pm in our retail store, and offers the chance to create a scarf, or larger project, of your own making. It’s a great introduction to floor loom weaving, or a wonderful refresher for those looking to get back into the habit of throwing a shuttle.






As always, we look forward to welcoming you to our 4 Mill Alley retail store location, Tues-Sat., 8:30am-5:30pm. 

The Harrisville Designs Retail Store Team
Annmarie, Bettie, Kate, Sara & Victoria

Makers of woolen-spun yarn manufactured in Harrisville, NH
phone: 603-827-3996
email:  <mailto:hdretail at harrisville.com> hdretail at harrisville.com
website: harrisville.com


Harrisville Designs, Inc. 

PO Box 806
Harrisville NH 03450
United States

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© 2023 Harrisville Designs, Inc. 



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