[NFB-Krafters-Korner] to our teachers...

blindhands at aol.com blindhands at aol.com
Wed Apr 3 22:40:06 UTC 2024

Please do take notice.  The classes over the last two weeks had a very good
attendance.   I attributate that to the teachechers advertising and chatting
up their classes on this list.


We have several classes coming up this week, but I haven't heard about any
iof them except a question regarding the beading class.


Please teachers promote your classes.  


For those new teachers and old or returning teachers.  This is the place to
chat up your classes.  It will help students remind them of sign up,
purchasing  or ordering supplies and help prepare the teacher  for starting
off with breaking the ice and getting to know each other.  It definitely
helps the attendance.




Joyce Kane

Kane Kids Shop



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