[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Members and questions!!!

debbie7515 at bellsouth.net debbie7515 at bellsouth.net
Wed Apr 17 18:04:08 UTC 2024

Hi Members,

In an email Friday night      Joyce Kain informed me  some of the members
are asking her questions regarding my standing in the NFB. I'm not sure why
anyone would need to know that since it does not seem that anyone else on
our list has been ask these questions, but I'm willing to answer any
questions that any of the members would like to ask me. Please don't feel
you need to go through Joyce to get the answers to your questions.  feel
free to write me off list so we do not clutter the list up with this matter.
This will be the only email about this issue that I will send to the list.
If I do not hear anything from anyone then I will take it as a
misunderstanding on Joyce's behalf.   I'm sorry it has taken me so many days
to address this issue but this week has been really busy for me. My personal
email address is

Debbie7515 at bellsouth.net <mailto:Debbie7515 at bellsouth.net> 

I hope this helps any  of you who have questions you want answered.

  Thanks so much,


Debbie Killian





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