[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Woe is me

hosbornejr at gmail.com hosbornejr at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 15:55:27 UTC 2024

Good Morning Tracy, isn't that a part of being a Crafter? Make it, don't
like it, make a mistake and fix it or start all over again.
Been there, and, done all of those things.
Right now for an example, I am having a "Mini War" with a scarf that I am
making in honor and tribute to the United States Military Academy at West
Point Army Black Knights.
I have started and restarted this scarf about four or five times, and, guess
what, _I _Will _Win _The _War!

-----Original Message-----
From: NFB-Krafters-Korner <nfb-krafters-korner-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf
Of Tracy Carcione via NFB-Krafters-Korner
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 8:14 AM
To: 'List for blind crafters and artists' <nfb-krafters-korner at nfbnet.org>
Cc: carcione at access.net
Subject: [NFB-Krafters-Korner] Woe is me

I think I'm getting cooking on my beautiful lace shawl, and then another
problem crops up. 

First, there are errors in the transcription, so I had to find a way to read
the bad lines in the chart and get them right.  I'd done some before I
figured that out, so I had to rip it back.  I was able to use my Optacon to
read the chart, which is fantastic.  An Optacon is an old device that's no
longer made.  It can read anything I can make big enough and figure out
myself.  There's no software, just my brain. 

Now, I was going along great, and I pulled out my lifeline to put it in a
new place, only to discover that I have a big hole in one place a few rows
back.  So I either have to use a bit of yarn to fudge and fix it, or
carefully un-knit 4 or 5 rows of lace, hoping I don't make a bigger mess
doing so.

I feel like I'm going to be reworking these 30 rows beginning the chart for
months.  Woe is me.



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