[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Important!! You need to Come to this Meeting

blindhands at aol.com blindhands at aol.com
Sat Feb 17 01:07:18 UTC 2024

Monday Night Chat:


Planning Ahead for Krafters Korner

Please come and help express your ideas and thoughts on how you would like
Krafters Korner to move ahead.  We are looking for new ideas and  take a
part in  pumping some NEW Life back into to Krafters Korner.


What type of classes are your interested in, idea of spreading the word of
what we are and what we do around here.


If you can spare 15 minutes or an hour or more,, we will find a job for you.


I hope we can have more meeting times per month for bouncing ideas back and
forth and sharing how to learn craft skills.


We need more classes offered and if we get more folks interested, they will

Feb. 19 

7:30 PM Eastern

Call in:


Access code 614370#




Take time and invite a friend to this meeting.

Joyce Kane

blindhands at AOL.com

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