[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Successful Saturday

carcione at access.net carcione at access.net
Sat Feb 17 12:31:43 UTC 2024

It's Successful Saturday!  Do you have a success you'd like to share?  A
project started or finished, or a goal reached?  Let us know and we'll
celebrate with you. 


This week, I played my harp in front of 2 much better players than I am, and
I didn't panic, just played what I wanted to play.  There was a time not too
long ago when my hands would have been shaking so bad I would have made a
mess of it, and sometimes that still happens, but mostly not.  Yay!


Also, I helped my husband fill out his application to get Social Security
retirement benefits when he turns 70 in April.  It feels like something of a
milestone.  And we were quite worried it would be hard to fill out the
application with Jaws, but it was actually pretty easy.  Yay again!



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