[NFB-Krafters-Korner] my stash

Bernice Bird bernice.j.bird at gmail.com
Sat Feb 17 16:25:36 UTC 2024

I found a bag of 8 small skeins of wool blend green yarn in my stash. The
yarn is a little twisted, and each skein has about 106 yards. I am trying to
figure out what to make with it. I was thinking of using the wave pattern I
presented using a double strand for a cape. I'm not fond of green, and I
think it is green. I could donate it. I would have to figure out the gage
for sure, so it is long enough. It probably wouldn't be as wide as some I
have made. I love the way that wave pattern feels. 

I decided that I can count a success at using my stash if I could get all of
my yarn into 3 bins instead of 4 of those huge bins. That's not counting my
box of cotton yarn.


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