[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Successful Saturday

Ericka dotwriter1 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 17 21:07:12 UTC 2024

That’s awesome for you, Tracy!

Actually, my success came last Saturday. It depends on the situation, but sometimes I’m not exactly tactful when I take on disrespectful sighted people. This time it happened at my grandpa‘s funeral. These ladies had decided for me that I couldn’t walk up two steps, and go to the podium to speak and nor could my husband because he’s totally blind. Actually, I don’t think they knew I could see anything. Anyhow, my families never protected me from anything, so I respect and thank all the relatives and my grandpa‘s funeral, and did not go up on the altar as was suggested but they came to the same place that I started speaking these ladies in black, which do not help anybody with a vision of parent find them  in a low light area we’re just annoying as hell and even my friend who sided and has known me since grade school was there she said those ladies were annoying. Why would someone talk to a blind person at the same time? Another person is talking to the same Blind person to try and give directions? That was annoying and then I said  to them respectfully because my dad felt bad and was trying to help not to mention all of us were emotionally on a pile auto pilot that’s a funeral. They kept getting into my space and in my way when I tried to move here there and I couldn’t figure out why  After I had said “please one person speak at a time.” One lady says we need to protect you. I’m thinking from what? And 52 years I’ve never been protected. What I wanted to say thankfully didn’t come out because I just wanted to say to them look, my grandpa, who were honoring, never protected me ever  And is chewed out more people than you care to guess. But I didn’t and that I am lucky and I didn’t do some high sticking by whacking them in the ankles with the cane either. I was just annoyed and finally got to that stupid podium and then I lost my composure cause I couldn’t figure out , what to say now that these ladies have ruined my concentration totally. The thing is, these ladies talk to me like a normal human being when we first got there and didn’t seem to be bugged by the Disability. I honestly don’t understand people! I was wondering around greeting people, so I don’t understand why they freaked out at the end , but who’s to figure out the mind of a sided person? Anyhow, I’m very proud that I did not make a scene. My parents would’ve killed me I would’ve killed me probably and my grandpa would’ve haunted me. This Saturday the only success is if I wake up tomorrow morning with no head cold  And fever. 

Ericka Nelson

> On Feb 17, 2024, at 6:32 AM, Tracy Carcione via NFB-Krafters-Korner <nfb-krafters-korner at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> It's Successful Saturday!  Do you have a success you'd like to share?  A
> project started or finished, or a goal reached?  Let us know and we'll
> celebrate with you.
> This week, I played my harp in front of 2 much better players than I am, and
> I didn't panic, just played what I wanted to play.  There was a time not too
> long ago when my hands would have been shaking so bad I would have made a
> mess of it, and sometimes that still happens, but mostly not.  Yay!
> Also, I helped my husband fill out his application to get Social Security
> retirement benefits when he turns 70 in April.  It feels like something of a
> milestone.  And we were quite worried it would be hard to fill out the
> application with Jaws, but it was actually pretty easy.  Yay again!
> Tracy
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