[NFB-Krafters-Korner] New Classes Krafters Korner

blindhands at aol.com blindhands at aol.com
Wed Feb 21 20:31:11 UTC 2024

                Notes to teachers and new folks.


Please send to 

blindhands at AOL.com <mailto:blindhands at AOL.com> 

If you are interested in teaching, seeking more information about our
classes, would like to request recommendation of a class that has been done
in the past or a suggestion on what type of new class you would like
Krafters Korner  to have, please do not hesitate sending me n email.


For teachers:


For booking a class send me an email or give me a call-I believe my phone
number is on the website,  information that I will need in order to book
your class:

How many days you will need:

Preference of day of the week:

Time Preference:

Name of class:

Craft that will be done:

Your name, email & phone number




Joyce Kane

Kane Kids Shop



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