[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Monday night chat and charity reporting

SHELLEY SCHUETT shelleyschuett at telus.net
Sun Feb 25 14:50:27 UTC 2024

Once again it's almost the end of the month.  So I'm putting out the call to
all my busy crafters. 

If you have done volunteering of your time to an organization write and tell
me the name of the organization and how many hours you volunteered. 

If you bought any items to donate to a charity, then write and tell me what
you bought and to what organization you donated them to. 

If you hand crafted any items for a charity then write and let me know about
the items you made and to what organization they are for.

You can write me with any of the above information at
shelleyschuett at telus.net <mailto:shelleyschuett at telus.net> 

I look forwards to hearing from you.

If you have any other questions about our charity classes then come join us
on Monday February 26th at 7:30 eastern. Where we can answer any of your
questions and we will hear about another charity that we can craft for. 

It's easy to join just call 667-770-1685 access code 614370 

All are welcome because the more hands we have helping the bigger difference
we can make.




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