[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Monday Night Chats

terrinettles at comcast.net terrinettles at comcast.net
Tue Feb 27 16:24:25 UTC 2024

Good morning to all my crafty friends on Krafter's Korner.  We are looking
for those who would be interested in joining our Monday Night Committee.
Joyce and I are chairing this committee.  We are looking for those
interested in hosting a Monday night.  

What is entailed?  You can talk about a specific craft which could possibly
require some research and if you wish could show us how to make a small
project.  There is always something we can learn and stimulate our creative
side of our brain.    We could take turns hosting.  This way it is not just
one person hosting each week.  There are so many types of crafts out there
no one person is expert or knows about them all.  We are an informal group
and love to share information, laugh and have a good time.  So please let us

You can email us directly at:

terrinettles at comcast.net <mailto:terrinettles at comcast.net> 

blindhands at aol.com <mailto:blindhands at aol.com> 


Thank you.



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