[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Volunteer to help

SHELLEY SCHUETT shelleyschuett at telus.net
Thu Feb 29 14:51:16 UTC 2024

You have seen a few emails come out from the core committee working on
getting things started. This will be done in baby steps and we will need
those of you who said they are willing to help out to start stepping up to
help us. As a reminder we are asking for help in 3 areas currently.

Volunteers for a marketing committee.

If you're willing to make calls to promote Crafters Corner and find places
to submit an article about Crafters Corner then this committee is for you.

Contact Debbie Killian at Debbie7515 at bellsouth.net
<mailto:Debbie7515 at bellsouth.net> 


If you're good with words and enjoy writing we need your help putting
together an article about Crafters Corner. Send your write ups to Shelley
Schuett at shelleyschuett at telus.net <mailto:shelleyschuett at telus.net> 

If you would like to join the Monday night committee and help host and
prepare the Monday night chats contact Terri Nettles at
terrinettles at comcast.net <mailto:terrinettles at comcast.net>      

 Or Joyce Kane at BlindHands at aol.com <mailto:BlindHands at aol.com>    


If you have any suggestions of other committees you would like to see and
feel you would be good at working on you may write any of us with your

Also if you would like to book a class time contact Debbie Killain
atDebbie7515 at bellsouth.net <mailto:Debbie7515 at bellsouth.net>  or Joyce Kane
at BlindHands at aol.com <mailto:BlindHands at aol.com>    


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