[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Caring And Sharing Class

SHELLEY SCHUETT shelleyschuett at telus.net
Wed Jan 24 15:13:49 UTC 2024

Come one and all to the caring and sharing class. The last Monday of every
month we learn about a charity to craft for and the first Saturday of every
month at 1:00 eastern I teach a project that you can make for that charity.
We have done charities for people of all ages, for the homeless, and other
less fortunate, and for many causes and illnesses. As a group we are making
a difference and you can be a part as well.

You can give to any charity we learn about or locally in your community.
Report what you do to me and I make a note of it and report monthly on how
well the group is doing. Once again please join us in making a difference.


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