[NFB-Krafters-Korner] upcoming class, Loom Knit Tiny Chick

krafterskornertreasurer at gmail.com krafterskornertreasurer at gmail.com
Sun Mar 3 16:49:57 UTC 2024

Class name, Loom Knit Tiny Chick

Craft type, loom knitting

Instructor,  <mailto:nxg1719 at gmail.com> Jewel G

Class format, phone

Class date, March 22

Class time, 8:00 p.m. Eastern

Sign up deadline, March 15


Class description: 

Make a cute tiny chick just in time for Easter and Spring! The finished
chick is small enough to fit in an Easter basket (size depends on yarn and
type of stitch used). 


Skills needed: 

Students should be familiar with at least one loom knitting stitch other
than e-wrap (true knit, u-knit, flat knit will all work) and a basic
knowledge of threading a tapestry needle and the mattress stitch will also
be necessary. We will be working both in the round and flat. If you are a
needle knitter and can knit in the round, feel free to also attend!

Supply list:

*        12-peg chunky loom (sometimes called a flower loom) 

*        Loom tool

*        Tapestry needle

*        Scissors

*        Bulky or jumbo weight yarn in yellow and orange or preferred colors
(a small ball of yellow for the body, a small amount of orange for feet and

*        Two 8mm safety eyes

Sign up here! <https://www.krafterskorner.org/students>   

Catherine Flesher,  treasurer


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