[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Blank Class Registration Form to use via email

krafterskornerclasses at gmail.com krafterskornerclasses at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 21:23:03 UTC 2024

To register for any of our classes, until our issue with the website is
fixed, in order to register for any upcoming classes please fill in the
following registration form for each class you are interested in taking.
One class per form.



Fill in the below information and return it to me at 

KraftersKornerClasses @ g mail.                com



1.	Your full name: 
2.	.  Your email address:  <mailto:jordanj229 at verizon.net>   
3.	. Your phone number.
4.	Class you are registering for: 



Krafters Korner 

Class Registrar 


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