[Nfb-kzoo] ransportation Meeting, Library

J.J. Meddaugh jj at bestmidi.com
Tue Dec 2 16:28:27 UTC 2008

Some small updates:
I attended the board meeting for the Kalamazoo County Transportation Authority on November 24.
I spoke during citizens' time and emphasized the following:
NFB is willing to help out wherever
We need accessible signage for bus stops
Members are requesting a stop on 12th in front of West Christian elementary
Still hoping for accessible schedules
Praising the board for its hard work during the transation.

After the meeting, I spoke to Carmine Lewis who gave me some boiler plate encouraging words. The signs have been around since 1980 and will be replaced. She said there may be a focus group for this so we'll want to stay on top of this one it may be good to follow up on the bus stop.

I am awaiting reply from Kevin King on the library project. Tim and I are working on this and hopefully will know more soon.

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