[Nfb-kzoo] National Community Service List???

Darian Smith ds94124 at aol.com
Thu Nov 5 11:05:52 UTC 2009

Hello all,
  A quick bit about myself; my name is Darian 
Smith, I am a recent AmeriCorps Graduate via the 
National Civilian community corps.  I attended 
national convention in Detroit this year where I 
spoke about my experiences as a blind person in the program.

  Why I’m writing: Upon speaking to some 
individuals who shared my passion about community 
service, I discovered some interest in a 
list-serve that would allow   for other 
Federationists to share their passion for 
community service and ideas   for strengthening 
their divisions and chapters.   If there is 
enough interest, maybe a formation of a national 
community service group that would evolve into a 
national community service division could eventually take place.
   If anybody is interested in the list-serve, 
please contact me off-list at 
<mailto:dsmithnfb at gmail.com>dsmithnfb at gmail.com. 
Please note that the more interest in this list 
serve, the more likely this list serve will be created.
    I look forward to hearing from all of you and 
eventually hearing lots of great discussion and 
wonderful ideas should this all leave the ground.
   Thank you,
   Darian Smith
National Federation of the Blind, California –San Francisco Chapter member
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