[Nfb-kzoo] NFB Kalamazoo Chapter Meeting

Timothy Paulding tjpaulding at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 20:06:31 UTC 2009

That would be www.freeconference.com

-----Original Message-----
From: nfb-kzoo-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfb-kzoo-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Moss, Corda (DELEG)
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 3:53 PM
To: NFB of Kalamazoo Michigan List
Subject: Re: [Nfb-kzoo] NFB Kalamazoo Chapter Meeting

Hi Leanne,

I spoke with Chris, so she knows about the possible conference call.
Faith doesn't work on Fridays, so I called and left a message on her
voicemail.  I also let Ian and Megan know about the conference call as
they're planning to go to the state convention.  Ian works on Sundays,
but Megan may be able to participate.  Are you going to use the same
conference call service that J.J. used in the past?  I think it was
free, so the price was right!  LOL  As soon as you have call in
information, I'll call Faith and Megan and let them know what it is.


-----Original Message-----
From: nfb-kzoo-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfb-kzoo-bounces at nfbnet.org]
On Behalf Of Tyler and Leanne Merren
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 3:14 PM
To: NFB of Kalamazoo Michigan List
Subject: Re: [Nfb-kzoo] NFB Kalamazoo Chapter Meeting

Can you spread the word to the ladies at the center if they aren't able
check email today?  I'm anxious to hear what people know about state 
convention.  Once we set a date, I can finish this paperwork and send it

into the church before their next meeting.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Moss, Corda (DELEG)" <mossc at michigan.gov>
To: "NFB of Kalamazoo Michigan List" <nfb-kzoo at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Nfb-kzoo] NFB Kalamazoo Chapter Meeting

>I think Sunday at 7 would work for me.
> Corda
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfb-kzoo-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfb-kzoo-bounces at nfbnet.org]
> On Behalf Of Tyler and Leanne Merren
> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 7:51 AM
> To: NFB of Kalamazoo Michigan List
> Subject: Re: [Nfb-kzoo] NFB Kalamazoo Chapter Meeting
> Hi all,
> I am so glad to see some discussion about the chapter!
> Tim and Jackie, I agree with Christine.  We totally understand if you 
> cannot hold office, but please join us any time.
> Tyler and I are thinking that a phone conference might be helpful, to 
> talk about state convention, and also to discuss the date for meetings

> so everyone is on the same page.  We are wondering what night would 
> work best
> for this?  Would Sunday evening work for everyone?  Times?  Maybe 7?
> us know. Thanks, Leanne
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Boone, Christine (DELEG)" <BooneC at michigan.gov>
> To: "NFB of Kalamazoo Michigan List" <nfb-kzoo at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 1:46 PM
> Subject: Re: [Nfb-kzoo] NFB Kalamazoo Chapter Meeting
>> OK Jackie and Tim, especially Jackie:
>> Now I feel  terrible.  After  re-reading my e-mail, I was much too 
>> hard on you. You know what, I am ok with your decision not to hold 
>> office, in fact, I understand that one, but when you ask to resign 
>> from the chapter as well, it really breaks my heart.  We love you and

>> we want to have you as a part of us, even if you can only come once 
>> every few months or so, and even if you cannot give anything to the 
>> chapter effort for a while. You yourself Jackie, and you too Tim, are

>> such fantastic people that you make a huge difference in anything 
>> that
>> you do.  If you came to a meeting even once a quarter, or  joined us 
>> on a phone conference once in a while, and just shared some laughter 
>> and your thoughts, how awesome that would be!  You inspire others by 
>> what you say and by what you do You know, I do not always agree with 
>> the Federation, and sometimes I get really frustrated with things at 
>> a
>> state or national level; but having said that, this really is the 
>> best
>> game in town, as far as blindness and blind people are concerned.  I 
>> think that we all run a little short on energy once in a while...and 
>> sometimes it feels like we are always struggling to keep things 
>> together.  But the state convention is happening in just over a week,

>> and a new state president will be elected at that time.  People will 
>> be gathering from across the state, and there will be a chance to 
>> start on a new and re-energized road for the state organization. 
>> What's more, we are doing alright as a chapter.  There are not any 
>> rules that we must have so many  members, that we must participate in

>> so many fund raisers and the like.  We will need a little while to 
>> get
>> on our feet, and then we can worry about those things. Right now, we 
>> need to work toward critical mass.
>> We have some newly interested people, and with each new face we add 
>> new energy and we continue to change the face of the old NFB that 
>> was,
>> for whatever reason, so unpopular with folks around here.
>> Could we please all just try to hang in?  Jackie AND Tim, we are 
>> OK...no, we are delighted to have you as members and friends, no 
>> strings attached!  Please?
>> Warmest Regards,
>> Christine
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nfb-kzoo-bounces at nfbnet.org 
>> [mailto:nfb-kzoo-bounces at nfbnet.org]
>> On Behalf Of Jacalyn Paulding
>> Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:45 AM
>> To: NFB of Kalamazoo Michigan List
>> Subject: Re: [Nfb-kzoo] NFB Kalamazoo Chapter Meeting
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I would just like to say that Christine is 100% correct.  I owe the 
>> group an apology for my absences.  The only thing I can say is that I

>> e-mailed at the beginning of the semester to say that I have class on

>> Monday night,
> with
>> that being said it was completely my fault that I did not think 
>> about, or notify Tyler and Leanne that I would not be able to attend 
>> on that Thursday
>> either.
>> I will not go into any detail, but suffice it to say both my personal

>> and academic life has been extremely difficult for the past few 
>> months
>> and to be
>> completely honest with the group I do not have the energy or time to
> put
>> into the chapter at this time.  I apologize to everyone. I genuinely
> do
>> care
>> about people who are blind, as well as each of you individually.  
>> With all of that being said I would like to humbly submit my 
>> resignation at
> this
>> time
>> from both the position of VP and the chapter.  I will continue to 
>> help as I can, but my heart just cannot be in it at this time.
>> Thanks so much Tyler and Leanne for all of your effort.  I look 
>> forward to hearing great things about the future and progress of the 
>> chapter.
>> Sincerely,
>> Jacalyn Paulding
>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Boone, Christine (DELEG) < 
>> BooneC at michigan.gov> wrote:
>>> OK, I am going to write my honest thoughts here, but before doing
>> that,
>>> I want to say that I know I have been guilty of missing meetings, 
>>> forgetting meetings, failing to call and probably a host of other 
>>> unhelpful things.  I am at least as much to blame as is anyone, and 
>>> Tyler and Leeann have given the most amazing effort.  I want to 
>>> thank
>>> and commend you both for that!
>>> As for Dave Andrews' comment, I must agree.
>>> I had a really hard time getting this last chapter meeting into my
>> mind.
>>> I tried to come on the Thursday before, and completely forgot on the

>>> real day, when we were at the Rehab conference.  Even more 
>>> important,
>>> Megan and Ian both tried to come on our usual Monday, and they 
>>> called
>> me
>>> from down town at 6:30 that night.
>>> Megan tried again on that wrong Thursday, along with Corda and me.  
>>> I
>>> say this to let you know that we do care and we did put forth 
>>> effort...it was just mistimed.  Ian and Megan would be tremendous 
>>> new
>>> members if we could get them.  I know that I was the one who had 
>>> asked about another day besides Monday, but maybe we should not have

>>> made
>> that
>>> change so quickly.
>>> For my part, I will commit to dragging my butt to our meetings,
>> whenever
>>> they are.  I do not always reach my e-mails on time, so the same 
>>> time
>>> same station could be good.
>>> I also think that we need to elect a new VP, as our current VP has 
>>> not been in attendance for many months.  I know that she is really 
>>> busy
>> with
>>> school, but still,  this leaves the whole burden on Tyler and 
>>> Leeann.
>>> That's my say, for now.
>>> Christine
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: nfb-kzoo-bounces at nfbnet.org 
>>> [mailto:nfb-kzoo-bounces at nfbnet.org]
>>> On Behalf Of David Andrews
>>> Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 1:18 AM
>>> To: NFB of Kalamazoo Michigan List
>>> Subject: Re: [Nfb-kzoo] NFB Kalamazoo Chapter Meeting
>>> I am not in your chapter -- and this is probably none of my business
>>> -- but I will say it anyway.  I have observed that periodically you 
>>> change the time and/or place of your chapter meeting, or cancel it. 
>>> While the desire to do this is understandable with a small chapter 
>>> it
>>> also creates problems and doubt.  I think that you will be better 
>>> off, in the long run having one time and one place, and not changing

>>> it.  People can then count on it, and build it into their schedules 
>>> ahead of time.
>>> You will never find a time that meets everybody's needs, so 
>>> consistency is the solution.
>>> Dave
>>> At 11:01 AM 10/28/2009, you wrote:
>>> >Hi all,
>>> >I'm not sure exactly what happened with communication on this list.
>>> >It seems like Tyler gets some messages that I never see and vice 
>>> >versa... Unfortunately, I think communication has been the biggest 
>>> >problem with our chapter.  We got off to such an awesome start last

>>> >year, and lately we have had people expressing interest in 
>>> >attending
>>> >our meetings.  I feel bad about dropping the ball when people have 
>>> >been inquiring.  There is no other chapter nearby for them to join,

>>> >as far as I know. Tyler and I were rather frustrated after this 
>>> >past
>>> >meeting, which, did not happen because not one person showed up. 
>>> >Tyler and I would have had to have a meeting by ourselves.  We were

>>> >not aware that there was a conference that week that 3 of our 
>>> >chapter members would be attending.  When Tyler sent out the 
>>> >message
>>> >to reschedule October's meeting, maybe the question should have 
>>> >been
>>> >asked whether or not the 22 worked for everyone else.  But the date

>>> >was mentioned and nobody ever said that they would not be able to 
>>> >make that date.  With a chapter this small, every member's 
>>> >attendance is very important.  There were a couple of people who 
>>> >asked a lot of questions, but said that they could not make it this

>>> >time but would try to come in November.  I'm glad they didn't 
>>> >choose
>>> >this month to come check us out.  For Tyler and me, we have 
>>> >attended
>>> >several meetings where we were not able to move forward with 
>>> >anything because quarum was not met.  We pay $20 out of pocket for 
>>> >a babysitter each time, and we live on a very tight budget.  We 
>>> >have mentioned these things before, and all we have asked is that 
>>> >you communicate with us if you are not going to be able to make a 
>>> >meeting so we know what to expect, and can reschedule if necessary.

>>> >I, personally, would be very sad to see this chapter dissolve, but 
>>> >if nobody is willing to commit at this time, then maybe that is 
>>> >best, and I will have to contact those who have been inquiring and 
>>> >tell them that our chapter will not be meeting any more.  However, 
>>> >I am still willing to try to make it work with anyone else who is 
>>> >willing to work for the good of the blind people in this area.  I 
>>> >think that a meeting once a month is not that difficult for most of

>>> >us to put on our calendars, for all the good that it can do for our

>>> >community.  I never turned in the paperwork to the church, because 
>>> >we were uncertain of the status of our chapter, so I still have it 
>>> >here waiting to be turned in.  I had planned to put us down for 
>>> >every 3rd Thursday, to avoid Tyler's trips as much as possible 
>>> >(which seem to take place on the 2nd Thursday of most months), and 
>>> >the 4th Thursday which ends up being a holiday for the next 2
> months.
>>> >
>>> >On another note, I would like to attend convention with my 
>>> >children,
>>> >but I don't know where the hotel is and how I would go about 
>>> >arranging transportation for 4 of us.  Tyler will be at a goalball 
>>> >training camp, so it's just the kids and me.  My room arrangements 
>>> >are set, it's just transportation that I have not arranged. Thanks,

>>> >Leanne
>>> >
>>> >----- Original Message ----- From: "Tyler merren"
>> <twmerren at gmail.com>
>>> >To: "NFB of Kalamazoo Michigan List" <nfb-kzoo at nfbnet.org>
>>> >Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 7:36 PM
>>> >Subject: Re: [Nfb-kzoo] NFB Kalamazoo Chapter Meeting
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >>NFB Chapter,
>>> >>Faith, I'm sorry that you were unable to make the meeting; 
>>> >>however,
>>> >>below is posted my original message, which clearly states that the

>>> >>meeting was postponed to October 22 at 6:30pm and was sent on
>> October
>>> 7.
>>> >>
>>> >>"This seems to be the tune that we all have stuck in our heads 
>>> >>lately, but the meeting for tomorrow will be postponed due to the 
>>> >>fact that our diligent, yet busy secretary has not yet gotten in 
>>> >>in
>>> >>the paperwork to the church, and is also sick, so that eliminates 
>>> >>our house as a meeting ground.  We will postpone the meeting until

>>> >>Thursday October 22 @6:30pm. This is still 2 weeks before 
>>> >>convention, so we should still have time to make some plans."
>>> >>
>>> >>I wouldn't worry about it too much though as no one showed up to 
>>> >>the meeting tonight anyway.  This has become a problem for Leanne 
>>> >>and I, since most of the time we have a babysitter set aside, and 
>>> >>it is very much not worth it if we can't even have a meeting, 
>>> >>which
>>> >>has been the situation the last several times.  We have talked, 
>>> >>and
>>> >>it seems to me that in light of the current situation, we cannot 
>>> >>commit ourselves to a chapter that is in this position.  I am 
>>> >>certainly not blameless for the chapters status, if anything it 
>>> >>was
>>> >>my responsibility as the president to make the chapter progress, 
>>> >>yet with my family, school, Goalball, and all the others, it seems

>>> >>that I haven't been able to give the chapter the sunshine and 
>>> >>water
>>> >>that it needs to grow.  I will let this e-mail hang for a week, if

>>> >>at that time, no one has stepped up to say that this chapter 
>>> >>should
>>> >>not be dissolved, and that they would have the time and will to 
>>> >>take the mantle, then I will call the chapter officially dissolved

>>> >>at that point and will give my report to Fred.
>>> >>
>>> >>This chapter has done some great stuff, we did the Goalball 
>>> >>demonstration, the pizza party, we volunteered at the tournament 
>>> >>and got a few projects off the ground.  We seemed to start off 
>>> >>strong, but some where along the line things started to putter 
>>> >>out.
>>> >>Any thoughts on this would be appreciated as well.  I had great 
>>> >>times with you guys, and so I hope that nearer or farther, the 
>>> >>chapter will be reestablished and go strong.
>>> >>
>>> >>I will not leave the projects we were involved in to flounder, so 
>>> >>I
>>> >>will follow up with the Library Project, and I believe that JJ 
>>> >>will
>>> >>still work with the busing system for the desired changes we 
>>> >>sought
>>> there.
>>> >>
>>> >>I hope this finds everyone well, and I hope to hear from you, 
>>> >>Tyler
>>> >>Merren
>>> >>  ----- Original Message -----  From: Meadows, Faith (DELEG)
>>> >>  To: NFB of Kalamazoo Michigan List
>>> >>  Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 7:56 AM
>>> >>  Subject: Re: [Nfb-kzoo] NFB Kalamazoo Chapter Meeting
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>  Hello, I am sorry I will not make it to the meeting.  I am 
>>> >> unable
>> to
>>> get
>>> >>  a ride.  If you could, please send me a reminder at least two 
>>> >> days
>>> in
>>> >>  advance so I may be able to schedule metro van. Original
>>> Message-----
>>> >>  From: nfb-kzoo-bounces at nfbnet.org
>>> [mailto:nfb-kzoo-bounces at nfbnet.org]
>>> >>  On Behalf Of Tyler merren
>>> >>  Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 9:49 PM
>>> >>  To: NFB of Kalamazoo Michigan List
>>> >>  Subject: Re: [Nfb-kzoo] NFB Kalamazoo Chapter Meeting
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>  Hey everyone,
>>> >>  Here is the agenda for tomorrow, we'll see you then.
>>> >>
>>> >>  Tyler Merren
>>> >>  President of the NFB of Kalamazoo
>>> >>    ----- Original Message -----    From: Tyler and Leanne Merren
>>> >>    To: Nfb-kzoo at nfbnet.org
>>> >>    Cc: teresaarndt at yahoo.com
>>> >>    Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 1:17 PM
>>> >>    Subject: [Nfb-kzoo] NFB Kalamazoo Chapter Meeting
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>    Hi everyone,
>>> >>    I apologize for the late message.  I've been out of town for
>>> several
>>> >>  days and I'm trying to get my head back on straight...
>>> >>    Our meeting for this month is scheduled for tomorrow evening,
>>> October
>>> >>  22.  We do not have confirmation from the church yet, so we will
>>> plan to
>>> >>  meet at our house tomorrow at 6:30 PM.  For those who are taking
>> the
>>> >>  bus, if you can try to arrive at 6 that will allow us to get
>> started
>>> at
>>> >>  6:30, as the bus gets here at just past the half hour and it's
>> still
>>> a 5
>>> >>  minute walk from the stop.
>>> >>    Snacks will be provided.
>>> >>    Again if anyone needs to bring children please let me know.  
>>> >> We
>>> look
>>> >>  forward to meeting with you all tomorrow evening.
>>> >>    Leanne Merren
>>> >>    Chapter Secretary
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