[NFB-Kzoo] FW: The Zoom Meeting of the Year: NFBMI Seminar Sundays

Robert Earl Parsons robert.e.parsons at wmich.edu
Thu Dec 10 17:30:15 UTC 2020

Hello Family 

It's Chunky Crab back in action with another invitation to the Michigan affiliate's "Seminar Sundays" discussion, where we inform each other and learn from national leaders about the Federation's core principles, values, and philosophy. In the past few weeks, we have been focusing on history and important moves that our national organization have made to lay the ground work for our future success. This week, however, we have a bonafide superstar in our presence. The first vice president of the national organization and executive director of our wonderful Louisiana Center for the Blind, Pam Allen, will be gracing our Zoom room to discuss some of the most basic ideologies that propel our membership into the realm of independence. Read below for more information and the zoom credentials 😊 

NFBMI Seminar Sundays Presents: "Living the Life I want: How to Make our mantra your practice." 
Guest Presenter: Pam Allen (First Vice President| National Federation of the Blind) (President| National Federation of the Blind of Louisiana) (Executive Director| Louisiana Center for the Blind)

Description: Ever considered what "Live the life you want" means? Wondered if your beliefs or ideals are consistent with the mission of the organization? Join us as our esteemed guest speaker shares her insight on our statement, our pledge, and our one-minute message, which may have much more in common with your personal beliefs than you think.  

Date: Sunday, December 13, 2020
Time: 5pm EST

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 940 9858 7285

Passcode: 902855

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Meeting ID: 940 9858 7285

Passcode: 902855

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adOct23v38

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With Love

Robert E. Parsons, Jr.
Board Member| National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Member| National Association of Blind Students Masters Student| Rehabilitation Counseling and Vision Rehabilitation Therapy Western Michigan University '21
Pronouns: He, Him, His
P: 804.801.7674

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