[NFB-Kzoo] NFBMi At Large Interest Meeting 4/15/21
Robert Earl Parsons
robert.e.parsons at wmich.edu
Sat Apr 10 14:18:13 UTC 2021
Hey Folks!!!
How is this Saturday treating you? We are so excited to kick off Spring with the planning and discussion of the Michigan affiliate's newest collection of Federationists. For years, we have been thinking about creating an At Large chapter that can represent and include members of the affiliate or blind people within Michigan that do not have local chapters in their community. Now, with virtual learning ebbing and flowing, we can establish an At Large chapter so that when things return back to the way it was before social distancing, these members can still belong to a chapter. So, please if you are or know a blind person that meets any of the following criteria, share or use the attached zoom link this Thursday, April 15 at 7pm EST.
At Large Criteria
* You do not have a local chapter in your community
* You are a student or member of the affiliate that is living or attending school out of state
* You do have a local chapter but circumstances impedes membership
* You have a local chapter but are bringing a friend to the meeting
* Other personal issues prevents your membership of a local chapter
All are welcomed to attend the At Large interest meeting and become members of the potential chapter when it is created. The NFB of Michigan does, however, request that members of established chapters allow space and opportunity for new members or those who are not active in chapters to participate, learn our philosophy, and exhibit their interest or leadership skills during our meetings and activities.
Michael Powell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: NFB of Michigan At Large Chapter Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 961 269 5221
Passcode: 902855
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Meeting ID: 961 269 5221
Passcode: 902855
All the Best
Robert E. Parsons, Jr.
Board Member| National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
Board Member| National Association of Blind Students
Masters Student| Rehabilitation Counseling and Vision Rehabilitation Therapy
Western Michigan University '21
Pronouns: He, Him, His
P: 804.801.7674
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