[Nfb-lions] visit with President Al Brandel

Ramona Walhof rwnfbi at qwest.net
Mon Jan 5 18:36:59 UTC 2009

This weekend was the midwinter convention of the Idaho district 39E in 
Pocatello.  The reason it was this weekend is because our past International 
Director Floyd Miller asked a personal favor of Al Brandel, and he came.  . 
Anyway, I was able to meet him, give him the Braille info personally, pass 
out a lot of Braille cards and Braille flyers from the mint, and introduce 
the NFB of Idaho President to the District Governor and Vice District 
Gobernor in that district.  She lives in that District, so it should be a 
good contact for her.
I suggest that all of you get yourselves invited to talk about  Braille, 
Louis Braille, and the Braille coin to as many Lions Clubs as possible.  I 
made a short announcement to the whole convention, and at least a dozen 
people came to me afterward to get the material to take back to their clubs. 
I will start getting myself scheduled for programs in 39W, which is my 
district, right away.

Let us all know what you are able to do with your districts.
There is a new newsletter out on Braille.org today.  It lists several 
ambassadors for the Braille coin.  I know that many NFB chapters are doing 
demos at bookstores to celebrate Louis Braille's birthday this month, so it 
should be an exciting year for Braille.  Let's all be a part of it!

Happy New Year!


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