[Nfb-lions] Introducing Myselfs

Mary Donahue braille at sbcglobal.net
Sat May 16 23:33:44 UTC 2009

    Good afternoon everyone,

    I just sent a test message before, and it went through, so maybe the 
third time sending this message will be a charm.

    I am a fairly new Lion, as of about a week and a half ago, but I hope to 
contribute any way I can.

    My name is Mary Jeatran Donahue, and I am a member of the San Antonio 
Region 20 Lions Club. We are a group of about 35 members, all employees of 
Education Service Center, Region 20. We mainly award scholarships each 
school year to ESC 20 employees' children who meet the requirements, and 
serve those employees in need. On June 14, some of our group will be going 
to the Texas Lions Camp in Kerville to serve Nachos to campers on their 
first day at camp. I hope to educate and convince the membership to help 
blind people and children in the region. Right now, I am working on inviting 
our current president to come and speak at our next Chapter meeting. Last 
but not least, I and two other new members will be inducted into the Lions 
Club on May 26, so I am looking forward to that.

    I also want to add that I grew up with the Lions, as my dad was a member 
of Lions Clubs in Menomonie and Eau Claire, Wisconsin respectively in the 
1950s and 1960s, so I wanted to give back to the Lions what they gave me.

    I am looking forward to contributing in any way I can.

Mary Donahue

"Be Well, Do good Work, and keep in touch."
Garrison Keillor 

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