[Nfb-lions] Indiana's Fishing Derby

Al Lovati alovati at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jul 11 15:22:50 UTC 2012

Lion Al here from Indiana.

At this past convention, several of the us spoke about a fishing derby that we held a couple of weeks ago in Indiana. While the actual derby wasn't anything special, we think the fact that members of Indiana's NFB affiliate were involved from the start made it a first in Indiana with representatives from the Parent, Youth and Sports and Recreation Divisions were involved in all aspects of planning.

Long story short, the Indiana Lions of Multiple District 25-A, took care of the physical aspects of the event - providing the location, all advertising, locating sponsors, food, etc. NFB provided the
 know how, the adult and youth mentors and located and signed up the youth and their families, mostly dads.

There were a lot of opportunities for everyone to mix and mingle and learn from each other. The kids had a
 blast. They fished all day and into the evening, cleaned fish by themselves and had a chance to play a little Beep Baseball.

The event was held on Father's Day and for a first time was well attended. The Lions were very pleased with the results and are planning on doing this again next year. 

I attached text copies of the brochure, the registration form and a news article from a local paper. If you want copies of the original pdfs and docs let me know and I'll send them to you.

I know there are other similar events held around the nation and would like to gather some background information on how these events were put together. I and others associated with our Fishing Derby are willing to help others and share information.

Lion Al

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