[Nfb-lions] September Lion Magazine on NFB Newsline and a Request

Paul Smith paulsmith at samobile.net
Thu Sep 3 15:01:02 UTC 2015

Hello fellow Lions.  Am happy to report that the September 2015 issue 
of "The Lion Magazine" is up on NFB Newsline, so read to your heart's content.

One more thing:  For those of you who can contact them, I think it 
would be a good idea to contact the Athens, Georgia Lions Club and 
specifically those who read "The Lion" in Athens' Learning Ally studio. 
I realize that the Lion from NFB Newsline comes much sooner than the 
issue read from Learning Ally, but I think it would be very nice to 
write the particular club to thank them for their voluntary service.  
Too often we blind just take the things we get for granted, and not 
show appreciation for things done for us, not only in the reading of 
the Lion, but in other areas such as those who read for radio reading 
and/or information services.  I know about the latter because I was 
asked to fill a vacancy on the board of our local RRS, which I was glad 
to do, if only to represent Lions International.

So, as said previously, if you could individually contact the Georgia 
Lions, your words of appreciation would go a long way, in my opinion.  
Lion Paul

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