[Nfb-lions] Live On the Radio

Paul Smith paulsmith at samobile.net
Mon Jul 25 17:52:03 UTC 2016

Hello fellow Lions.  I've got some news that may or may not be of 
interest to you, but read on because it directly affects my membership 
in my local club and Lions International.

Several weeks ago I donated two musical instruments that I haven't used 
in quite some time to the Radio Reading Network of Maryland which is in 
dire straits in terms of equipment.  While speaking to the director, I 
mentioned then that I have some literature that I'd like to share with 
listeners, and he mentioned a time slot that was available and 
acceptable to both of us, namely, noon on Friday.  Because they don't 
have the equipment to record for rebroadcast, all local content is 
carried live.

The director, who has known me as a kid, said that we would have a 
30-minute "dry run," followed on the following week by the full hour, 
the first program being 30 minutes in length.  I contacted our district 
governor in 22A as well as a longtime Lion who served as District 
governor in the past, and they agreed that this reading would be an 
excellent Lions Service Project.  When the time gets closer I'll tell 
you how you can hear my humble program on the Internet.  Yours in 
Lionism, Paul B. Smith

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